Built using PAR (planed all round) Unsorted Redwood Pressure treated. Squares measure 100mm x 100mm approx. Standard sizes 1.83 x 1.83, 1.83 x 320mm, 1.83 x 600mm, 2.4 x 320mm, 3m x 320mm.

We can build to any size.

We also stock cheaper sawn (rough) timber trellis.


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1.83m x 320mm
1.83m x 600mm
1.83m x 1.83m
2.4m x 320mm
3m x 320mm
All prices subject to VAT.
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We will respond within 2 working hours to confirm your order totals and collection/delivery options.

We stock Smooth posts and Top Capping to complement.

Square trellis panels

Square trellis

Square trellis

For further details on our Square Trellis, please contact us on 020 8858 6441.